Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, Kindness, Courage

This week, 3rd/4th grade classes designed elements for a bulletin board display in the library all about how our Core Ethical Values relate to how we use the library.

They came up with some terrific ideas, including:
Honesty: If you lose your book, tell the librarian.
Respect: Treat all materials in the library with respect so others can use it as well.
Responsibility: Keep track of your books and bring them back on time so that others may check them out.
Kindness: If someone is looking for a book, you can help them find it.
Courage: Trying a book that is different that what you're used to takes courage. Also, it can take courage to share with someone else why you liked a book.

This project is something that can be done anywhere! Some Core Ethical Value displays can talk about values at home, while playing sports, going on vacation, and so much more. It's easy to do and uses very few resources.
Here are the instructions:
  • First, think about what Core Value you want to display. Brainstorm ideas.
  • Get your materials: a rectangular piece of paper (we used colorful construction paper), and a marker.
  • Fold the piece of paper in half and, on the outside, write the name of the value you decided on.
  • Inside, explain how you can use your value in your chosen situation.
  • Hang it up and admire your work.

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